Bank Loans : LOC - Financing your deals with a Line of Credit in the plastic industry -
A line of credit is a flexible loan from a bank that lets you borrow up to a certain limit, paying interest only on what you use.
Common Uses in Plastics:
Raw Material Purchases:
Resin Order: is a purchase order specifically for plastic resins (raw plastic materials in pellet or powder form) used in manufacturing plastic products. These orders typically specify the type, grade, and quantity of resin needed.
Equipment and Operations costs:
- Machine repairs costs
- Tool purchases
- For operating expenses
- To cover maintenance costs
- Could be used as emergency funds
Types of Credit Lines:
Secured credit lines:
- It uses for collateral
- It has lower interest rates
- It has higher limits
- Could be used for equipment backing
- Could be used for inventory backing
Unsecured credit lines:
- Has no collateral
- Has higher interest rates
- Has lower limits
- Is based on business credit
- Gets a quicker approval
Practical Example:
Credit Line: $500,000
- Current Use: $200,000
- Available: $300,000
- Pay interest on: $200,000
- Reusability: Can repay and reuse
Key Benefits:
- Flexible borrowing
- You only pay for what is used
- You have quick access to funds
- Is a revolving credit
- Could be used as an emergency backup
Important Considerations when you get a line of credit:
- Interest rates
- Payment terms
- Usage limits
- Annual reviews
- Covenant requirements which are legally binding commitments that must be followed as part of an agreement or contract
Example: Line of Credit in the plastic industry:
Plastic Injection Molding Company with $5M annual revenue:
Line of Credit Details:
- Total Credit Line: $500,000
- Interest Rate: Prime + 2% (currently 8.5%)
- Term: month renewable
- Secured by: Equipment and inventory
- Monthly payments: on used portion only
Usage Example:
Large Order Situation:
- Customer orders: $300,000 of parts
- Raw material needed: $150,000
- Current cash available: $50,000
- Amount drawn from LOC: $100,000
Usage Timeline:
- Day 1 : Draw $100,000 for materials
- Week 4 : Begin shipping products
- Week 8 : Receive customer payment
- Week 9 : Repay $100,000 to LOC(Line Of Credit)
Cost Calculation:
- Amount used: $100,000
- Time used: 2 months
- Interest rate: 8.5% annually
- Interest paid: ~$1,417
- Credit available: returns to $500,000
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